10 May 2010

IT value creation vs. cost control | ZDNet

This brief video clip makes an important point that is not specific to the context in which it is being said. That is: Value creation from IT (especially in 2010 and beyond) should be the primary concern of CIOs, CEOs and strategic CFOs -- not cost control.

IT value creation vs. cost control | ZDNet

This is worth the few minutes it takes to view it, just to catch that point -- a point I have been trying to make in this blog for more than a year now.

What do you think? Leave a comment, or email me at rcushing@GeeWhiz2ROI.com.



EdK said...

Agree, but would add that this is not just for IT, but the entire organization. A company that focuses more on cost control than value creation in ANY aspect of their business is dying. The funeral is a mere detail.

RDCushing said...

Of course, Ed, you are right but, as you know, far too many executives still think cost-cutting is the road to salvation for their firms (especially in tough economic times).

EdK said...

Yup, agreed. Show me the HBR case study of the business that has cut its way to health. It does not exist!

RDCushing said...

I think it's out of print now, but if you can find it, there is an hilarious old book from Harcourt Brace (c)1960 written by Edmund Love entitled ARSENIC AND RED TAPE. It tells of some wild, but true, stories of run-away cost-focus in real-life corporations of the 1950's.

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