14 April 2010

Strategic Alignment of Information Technologies – Part 2

Setting Strategic Goals

Leveraging Technologies for Sustained Competitive Advantage
What makes new technologies valuable to a business?
  • Answer: In general, the ability of the technology to contribute to a sustained competitive advantage[1] is what makes it valuable to an enterprise.
What about a new technology allows it “to contribute to a sustained competitive advantage”?
  • Answer: Scarcity – the less available it is to your competitors, the larger will be your advantage in leveraging it
  • Answer: Innovation – the more innovatively your organization applies specific technologies, the less likely your competitors will be able to achieve the same results or benefits
Consider the example of steam engines. When steam engine technology became available, for those that had direct access (e.g., they could afford to buy steam powered equipment), steam engine technology gave them a significant advantage over competitors that could not pay the entry costs to gain access to that technology. Similarly, those that did not have or did not require direct access, but could benefit from indirect access (e.g., they could afford to ship goods faster on steam ships or by steclip_image002am locomotive), also had a significant and sustained competitive advantage over their competitors that had no such access to the new technology.
Basic Information Technologies
Today, information technologies provide only the following basic services:
  • Data capture
  • Data storage
  • Data processing
  • Data retrieval
  • Data transportation (communications)
Since none of these basic IT services is any longer scarce, simply applying the technology in a routine sort of way – as a “copy cat” – cannot provide any long term competitive advantage to your organization. In all likelihood, applying IT in typical fashion will provide no competitive advantage at all.
At best, applying non-scarce technologies in a way that simply matches your competition might help you take your firm from “failing” to “competing” (see accompanying diagram), but such an application of technologies could not, in itself, take your business from “failing” to “leading.”
Strategic Planning Begins with Understanding Where You are Today
Since most organizations begin planning their strategies based on where they have been and what they already know, they generally turn to their in-house history-keeping systems – that is, their accounting applications.[2] We, too, will begin our journey by looking at a sample company’s historical information and considering some of the implications of the data presented.
The Balance Sheet
As many of you already know, the Balance Sheet is a “snapshot” of a firm’s financial position with regard to three categories: 1) Assets – what the company owns, 2) Liabilities – what the company owes, and 3) Equity – the difference between the value of its assets and its liabilities or what it owes to its investors.
In preparing our strategies for fiscal year 2009, our company “ABC Widgets Manufacturing” is looking back over five years of history. The organization has a balance sheet with a little less than $3.7 million in assets, about $2.1 million in liabilities, and $1.55 million in equity. With a quick glance over the spreadsheet we’ve laid out, one might notice the following:
  • While total assets have remained fairly steady over the last five years, cash has shrunk by about 15% (down from $102,000 to $85,000) and accounts receivable are also diminished slightly.
  • The company has invested significantly in the following assets over the five years we’re reviewing:
    • $590,000 in land and buildings
    • $354,000 in equipment
    • $97,000 in furniture and fixtures
  • Short-term bank notes payable have zoomed from $211,000 to $589,000, an increase of $378,000 or about $95,000 per year (average).
  • Accounts payable have also increased about 34% between 2004 and 2008, moving from $558,000 in 2004 to $750,000 in 2008.
While these are interesting facts in themselves, they really tell us very little about what might be good or bad about operations in general. So, let us turn to the same company’s Income Statements between 2004 and 2008.

[1] “Sustained competitive advantage” is a relative term. In some rapidly evolving industries an advantage of six months or a year may be enough. In other industries, perhaps “sustained” would be an advantage lasting a year, two years, or even longer.
[2] We call accounting systems “history-keeping systems” simply because that is what accounting really is – it is the fiscal record of your organization’s historical transactions. While the historical data may be used to produce forecasts and budgets of various kinds based on purely historical data or upon a combination of history and “forecasting parameters,” the accounting system is useless in actually connecting “forecasts” with the actions required to achieve those forecast results.

[To be continued]

©2010 Richard D. Cushing

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