18 December 2009

The New ERP – Part 27


This is Part 27 in our series, so let's take a moment to briefly recap what The New ERP – Extended Readiness for Profit has done for us so far in contrast to traditional ERP – Everything Replacement Project.

Traditional ERP
The New ERP
Setting the goalLack of focus: Traditional ERP often has several goals (read: lack of focus) or a goal that is entirely generic (read: lack of focus). Therefore, ROI is frequently predicated on little more than hope that throwing new technology at the organization will somehow lead to improvement and better profits.Laser-like focus: In The New ERP began with uniting executives and managers around a singular goal (in for-profit organizations that is typically making more money both now and in the future). Next, The New ERP applies the Thinking Processes to help management understand what is keeping the organization from achieving more of its goal. This gave management a clear view of:

  1. What needs to change
  2. What the change should look like
  3. How to effect the change
Linking ERP objectives to financial goals (IT alignment)Loosely bound to financial goals: Far too many traditional ERP projects are bound to financial goals only by a tenuous thread of hope in the hearts of managers and executives. Others may calculate an ROI (return on investment) based on broad estimates of overall "improvement," but these are generally not tied to specific effects and measurable expected outcomes.Tightly bound to financial goals:
The New ERP – Extended Readiness for Profit uses what is learned through the application of the Thinking Processes to tightly aid managers and executives in linking measurable execution metrics to the achievement of financial goals. If "revenue is to increase by 12% in the first year," then the management team knows precisely which actions and improvements are expected to lead to these results.
Invention of the "solution"Solution is a "package" brought from the outside:
Traditional ERP frequently revolves around the organization defining their "needs" or "requirements," and then seeking a "package" brought to them from the outside (by a vendor or value-added reseller) to provide them with the "solution." If the executive team or the vendor cannot achieve enterprise-wide "buy-in" by the end-users, then the implementation of the "solution" may be more costly or less effective than intended, or it may fail entirely.
"Solution" is invented by the executives and managers in charge: By applying the Thinking Processes and determining with precision "what needs to change" and "what the change should look like" in order to achieve more of the organization's goal, the management team employing The New ERP becomes the inventor of their own "solution." By inventing their own solution, and by doing so using a rational toolset, "buy-in" becomes automatic. No one fights against their own invention.
Budget settingSee "Linking ERP objectives to financial goals" aboveSee "Linking ERP objectives to financial goals" above.
The New ERP allows your management team to set rational budgets for specific, highly-targeted and measurable improvements so that the budgets make sense relative to the return on investment calculations. All of this is done with relative simplicity and paralysis by analysis is avoided entirely.
Software selectionWholesale replacement:
Traditional ERP – Everything Replacement Project does just what you would expect. It leads to replacing everything – or almost everything – in the organization. It is not focused on alleviating or eliminating organizational "bottlenecks."
Targeted Extensions:
The New ERP – Extended Readiness for Profit is focused on effecting change in specific areas that have been rationally identified as being constraints ("bottlenecks") that are keeping the organization from achieving more of its goal. This focused approach means that the whole organization need not be disrupted to bring about effective improvement. Furthermore, very specific technologies selected to achieve very specific ends is the objective in software selection.
Vendor demonstrationsUnfocused review of functionalities: Vendor demonstrations under traditional ERP approaches often occupy days or weeks, sapping time, energy and money from all of the various departmental silos involved. This process alone may increase operating expenses by driving up overtime costs for "catch-up" work.Tightly focused "proof of concept": Under the New ERP, vendors or resellers are invited to present proofs of concept around improvements that are very narrowly defined. They are also asked to speak specifically – and convincingly – about how their technologies will allow the "client" organization to achieve its goals within the budget prescribed.

What has been accomplished to date under the New ERP concept for the organization applying it (as in the table above) has likely saved the entire organization no small amount of time, energy and money. In addition, they are in a far better position to see actual results in the near future – results predicated on sound logic and real strategies, not hope and guesswork.

[To be continued]

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